1. “Dynamic Transformation Between a Skyrmion String and a Bimeron String in a Layered Frustrated System”
X. Zhang, J. Xia, Oleg A. Tretiakov, H. T. Diep, Guoping Zhao, Jinbo Yang, Yan Zhou*, Motohiko Ezawa*, and Xiaoxi Liu*
Physical review B 104, L220406 (2021) (Letter)
2. “Configurable pixelated skyrmions on nanoscale magnetic grids”
X. Zhang, Jing Xia, Keiichiro Shirai, Hiroshi Fujiwara, Oleg A. Tretiakov, Motohiko Ezawa*, Yan Zhou*, and Xiaoxi Liu*
Communications Physics, 4, 255 (2021).
3. “Domain wall dynamics in ferromagnet/Ru/ferromagnet stacks with a wedged spacer”
Y. Zhao, S. Yang, J. Xia, X. Li, K. Wu, Y. Zhou, K. Fan, X. Zhang and Yan Zhou*
Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 022406 (2021); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0054047
4. “Write asymmetry of SOT-MRAM induced by in-plane magnetic fields”
B. Jiang, D. Wu, Q. Zhao, K, Lou, Y. Zhao, Yan Zhou*, C. Tian, and Chong Bi*
IEEE Electronics Device Letters, 42, 1766 (2021).
5. “Dynamics of a ferrimagnetic skyrmionium driven by the spin-orbit torque”
Xue Liang, Xichao Zhang, Laichuan Shen, Jing Xia, Motohiko Ezawa, Xiaoxi Liu and Yan Zhou*
Physical Review B, 104, 174421 (2021).
6. “Skyrmion formation in nanodiscs using magnetic force microscopy tip”
M. Zelent, Iu. V. Vetrova, J. Šoltýs, X. Li, Yan Zhou, V. A. Gubanov, A. V. Sadovnikov, T. Šcepka, J. D rer, R. Stoklas, V. Cambel and M. Mruczkiewicz
Nanomaterials, 11, 2627 (2021).
7. “Antiferromagnetic Skyrmion-Based Logic Gates Controlled by Electric Currents and Fields”
Xue Liang, Jing Xia, Xichao Zhang, Motohiko Ezawa, Oleg A. Tretiakov, Xiaoxi Liu, Lei Qiu, G. Zhao and Yan Zhou*
Applied Physics Letters, 119, 062403 (2021).
8. “Transcription and Logic Operations of Magnetic Skyrmions in Bilayer Cross Structures”
Kai Yu Mak, Jing Xia, Xichao Zhang, Motohiko Ezawa, Xiaoxi Liu and Yan Zhou*
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 33, 404001 (2021).
9. “Logic Gates Based on Synthetic Antiferromagnetic Bilayer Skyrmions”
Mouad Fattouhi, Kai Yu Mak, Xichao Zhang, Yan Zhou, Xiaoxi Liu, Mohamed El Hafidi
Physical Review Applied, 16, 014040 (2021).
10. “Confinement and Protection of Skyrmions by Patterns of Modified Magnetic Properties”
Kentaro Ohara, Xichao Zhang, Yinling Chen, Zonhan Wei, Yungui Ma, Jing Xia, Yan Zhou* and Xiaoxi Liu*
Nano Letters, 21, 4320−4326 (2021).
11. “Current-induced dynamics of skyrmion tubes in synthetic antiferromagnetic multilayers"
J. Xia, X. Zhang, K. Mak, M. Ezawa, O. Tretiakov, Yan Zhou*, G. Zhao, X. Liu
Physical Review B, 103, 174408 (2021). Editor’s suggestion
12. “Observation of magnetic skyrmion crystals in a van der Waals ferromagnet Fe3GeTe2”
T. Park, L. Peng, J. Liang, A. Hallal, F. Yasin, X. Zhang, K. Song, S. Kim, K. Kim, M. Weigand, G. Schütz, S. Finizio, J. Raabe, K. Garcia, J. Xia, Yan Zhou, M. Ezawa, X. Liu, J. Chang, H. Koo, Y. Kim, M. Chshiev, A. Fert, H. Yang, Y. Yu, and S. Woo
Physical Review B, 103, 104410 (2021). Editor’s suggestion
13. “Recent Progress of Fluxgate Magnetic Sensors: Basic Research and Application”
Songrui Wei, Xiaoqi Liao, Han Zhang, Jianhua Pang and Yan Zhou*
Sensors, 21, 1500 (2021).
14. “Interlayer Coupling Effect on Skyrmion Dynamics in Synthetic Antiferromagnets“
Lei Qiu, Laichuan Shen, Xichao Zhang, Yan Zhou, Guoping Zhao, Weixing Xia, Hu-Bin Luo, J. Ping Liu
Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 082403 (2021).
15. “Amplifying spin waves along N el domain wall by spin-orbit torque”
Xiangjun Xing, T. Wang and Yan ZHOU*
Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 062405 (2021).
16. “Polarization tunable Rashba effect in 2D LiAlTe2”
Q. Y. Mai, L. L. Tao, and Yan ZHOU*
Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 062404 (2021).
17. “A Frustrated Bimeronium: Static Structure and Dynamics”
Xichao Zhang, Jing Xia, Motohiko Ezawa, Oleg A. Tretiakov, H. T. Diep, Guo-Ping Zhao, Xiaoxi Liu and Yan Zhou*
Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 052411 (2021).
18. “Magnetic Skyrmions for Unconventional Computing”
Sai Li, Wang Kang, Xichao Zhang, Tianxiao Nie, Yan Zhou, Kang L. Wang and Weisheng Zhao
Materials Horizons, 2021, DOI: 10.1039/D0MH01603A.
19. “Signal detection based on the chaotic motion of an antiferromagnetic domain wall”
Laichuan Shen, Jing Xia, Motohiko Ezawa, Oleg A. Tretiakov, Guo-Ping Zhao, Yan Zhou*
Applied Physics Letters, 118, 012402 (2021).
20. “A ferromagnetic skyrmion-based nano-oscillator with modified perpendicular magnetic anisotropy”
J. H. Guo, J. Xia, X.C. Zhang, Philip W.T. Pong, Yan Zhou*
Physics Letters A, 392, 127157 (2021).