周艳 (ZHOU, Yan)
Research Field:Spintronics
Dr. Zhou Yan obtained his bachelor degree in University of Science and Technology of China in 2003 and MPhil degree in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2005. He got his PhD degree from Prof. Johan Åkerman's group at Royal Institute of Technology (KTH, Sweden) in 2009. Dr. Zhou joined Hong Kong Institute of Technology as assistant Professor in 2010 and then The University of Hong Kong in 2011 as Research Assistant Professor (Area of Excellence Project led by Prof. Fu-Chun Zhang). Dr. Zhou got the prestigious award of “Thousand Talent programme (youth)" in 2015 and became a full Professor in Nanjing University, China. Then he joined The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (CUHK-SZ) as associate professor in 2016 and promoted to full professor in 2022. Since October of 2020, he has been assistant dean (Research) in School of Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen.
He mainly works on next-generation spintronics devices including spintronic oscillator, Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory, and magnetic skyrmions for information processing and storage application. Dr. Zhou has published more than 200 papers (~100 JCR Q1 journal) including 5 Physical Review Letters, 1 Proceedings of the IEEE, 1 Nature Physics, 2 Nature Electronics, 11 Nature Communications, 1 NPG Asia Materials, and 5 Nano Letters. His GoogleScholar citation is more than 16000, and his H-index is 60. Dr. Zhou received the awards of “China outstanding PhD student abroad”, “Thousand Talents award (Youth)” and “Top 100 citation Badge by Scientific Reports”. His work has been reported by Phys.org, Science daily, IEEE Spectrum, Storage Newsletter etc. Prof. Zhou is a senior member of IEEE and editorial board member of Scientific Reports, Editorial review board member of IEEE Magnetics Letters. He is reviewer of Review of Modern Physics, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Physics, Nature Materials, Nature Electronics, Nature Communications, Science Advances, Nano Letters, Physical Review X, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review B, Applied Physics Letters and IEEE Transactions on Electronic Devices etc.
In addition to conducting cutting-edge research, he is devoted to high-quality teaching. He was awarded the first “Presidential Exemplary Teaching Award” in CUHKSZ in 2018.
周艳教授于2003年在中国科技大学获得学士学位,2005在香港理工大学获得硕士,并于2009年在瑞典皇家工学院获得博士学位。在瑞典留学期间获得国家优秀自费留学生奖学金。 2016年9月起起任职香港中文大学(深圳)副教授,于2018年获得长聘教职,2022年升为教授(长聘)。
周艳教授科研的主要方向集中在纳米电子学、磁性材料、磁芯片、磁传感器等领域。以第一或通讯者发表JCR Q1论文200余篇,H 因子为60,应用累计16000余次(Google Scholar)。在影响因子 >10 的杂志上发表文章50余篇。30余篇文章入选SCI物理学前0.1%高引用文章。撰写8个专著章节,拥有20余项专利。
周艳教授长期担任Review of Modern Physics、Nature Physics、Nature Nanotechnology、Nature Materials、Nature Communications、Advanced Materials、Science Advances、Physical Review Letters、Nano Letters等杂志审稿人。曾多次获邀在美国材料学会、美国物理学会、中国物理学会做邀请报告。 2014年入选国际电气和电子工程师协会(IEEE)高级会员,并担任IEEE磁学学会香港分会秘书长。2021年入选为英国皇家物理学会(IOP)的Fellow(会士)。主持包括香港研资局(RGC-GRF)、香港创新科技署(ITF)、中国自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金国际合作重点项目、国家级人才项目、广东省本土创新创业团队、深圳市孔雀计划团队等在内10余项竞争性科研项目。