Shunbo Lei

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Shunbo Lei
Assistant Professor
School of Science and Engineering
Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) - Shenzhen

Address: Rm 213, Research A Bldg, CUHK - Shenzhen

[Google Scholar]

I am an assistant professor at CUHK - Shenzhen. I was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) mentored by Prof. Yunhe Hou and Prof. David Hill, and then a research fellow at the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor working with Prof. Johanna Mathieu and Prof. Ian Hiskens. I was also a visiting scholar at Argonne National Laboratory hosted by Prof. Jianhui Wang. I received my PhD degree from HKU where Prof. Yunhe Hou was my primary supervisor and Prof. Ron Hui was my co-supervisor, and my BE degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

I am serving as the chair for IEEE PES TF on FlexGEB to Enhance Resilience, and the secretary for IEEE PES Loads Subcommittee. I am also serving as an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Energy Reports, and Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems.

I received the Young Resilience Fellowship by the 4TU Centre for Resilience Engineering of the Netherlands, and the 2019-2021 IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid Top 5 Outstanding Papers Award.

Openings for PhD/master students, postdocs and visitors: I am actively looking for self-motivated students, postdocs and visitors to conduct research in areas of power and energy, optimization and learning. Please feel free to drop me an email with your CV, transcript and publications (if any).

Research Interests

  • Electric power systems, microgrids, multi-energy systems

  • Grid-interactive efficient buildings, energy storage

  • Resilience of interdependent critical infrastructures

  • Optimization methods, machine learning, reinforcement learning

News & Updates

  • 05/2020: I am invited to give a talk in the session “Decision-Making in a Distributed Paradigm of Future Energy Systems” at 2020 INFORMS Annual Meeting. Meet you there virtually in November!