Yuan Luo (罗元)
I am an assistant professor of School of Science and Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. Before joining CUHKSZ, I was a research fellow at in the Department of Computing at Imperial College, advised by Prof. Nick Jennings. I received my Ph.D. in the Department of Infomration Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), advised by Prof. Jianwei Huang I was a visiting scholar in the EECS department at University of California at Berkeley (UC Berkeley), advised by Prof. Jean Walrand. RecruitingI am actively looking for self-motivated PhD, MSc, undergraduate students, as well as postdocs to conduct research in areas of Artificial Intelligence, Computational Game Theory, Mechanism Design, Machine Learning, Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning. Please feel free to drop me an email with your CV, transcript, awards and publications (if any). Note: please make your email subject as [PhD/MPhil/Postdoc Application]Name-School-Major. My Recent News