Key labs

As the only research laboratory specialized in semiconductor lasers in Southern China, Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Semiconductor Laser dedicates to further the fundamental understanding of laser physics, promote the innovation that has industry applications, cultivate the next generation’s experts in laser physics and engineering. We target at the key scientific and engineering problems in optoelectronic materials and laser devices in industry, our research focuses on: growth of optoelectronics materials, fabrication of ultra-small devices and theoretical analysis of optoelectronic devices.

The Key Lab currently has lab space of about 980 m2 which includes Micro and Nano-fabrication shared lab of about 500 m2, Computer simulation lab of about 120 m2, Organic opto-electronics lab of 180 m2, Materials synthesis lab of 180 m2, Spintronics simulation lab of 120 m2, and Nano opto-electronics lab of 100 m2. Especially, the Micro and Nano-fabrication lab targets at internationally shared micro- and nano- fabrication grand facilities for photonics chips design and making with outstanding research equipment and skillful top tier scientist and engineer team to serve the need from international university town and local tech companies as well as international users through our professional management.

The four research directions include: materials design and synthesis, devices design and fabrication,characteristics for materials and devices, product development research. The leaders of each group are listed below:

The Key Lab currently has equipment for organic and inorganic synthesis, for material growth and material characteristics, for the complete process of device design, device fabrication and device testing (part of the process is collaborated with SUSTECH). The Key Lab has the optical measurement capability of high and low (liquid helium) temperature, continuous and pulse (femtosecond for optical and nanosecond for electrical) and the spectrum is able to cover UV to 5 micron mid IR. The total value of equipment so far is about 20 million RMB.

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