Fangxin Wang
Assistant Professor, Ph.D
Presidential Young Fellow
School of Science and Engineering,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen)
Office: TC411b, CUHK-Shenzhen
Email: wangfangxin [at]
About me
Dr. Fangxin Wang is currently an assistant professor, doctoral supervisor, and presidential young scholar of School of Science and Engineering and Future Network of Intelligence Institute at The Chinese University of Hongkong, Shenzhen. He received the Ph.D. degree in Computing Science from Simon Fraser University supervised by Prof. Jiangchuan Liu, M.Eng. degree in Computer Science and Technology from Tsinghua University supervised by Prof. Dan Li, and B.Eng. degree in Network Engineering from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. He leads the Intelligent Network and Multimedia Laboratory of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and his research interests include multimedia networks and systems, cloud-edge collaborative computing, deep learning, large models, and edge intelligence. He has published more than 60 papers in top conference journals such as SIGCOMM, TMC, TON, TVCG, INFOCOM, MM, VR, etc., with more than 1,800 citations; he serves as an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, an associate editor of Digital Communication and Networks, the TPC Chair of IEEE Satellite 2023 and ACM SIGCOMM EMS Workshop, and the Publication Chair of IWQoS 2022 (CCF-B Conference); he won the Second Prize of Guangdong Science and Technology Progress in 2023, was selected for the 2022 China Association for Science and Technology “Young Elite Scientist Sponsorship Program”, and entered the Stanford World's Top 2% Scientists List 2023 and 2024. He has presided over and participated in more than 10 NSFC, Ministry of Science and Technology, provincial and municipal and horizontal projects.
(2024.08) I am actively looking for self-motivated PhD, MPhil and undergraduate RA to conduct research in areas of Large Language Model and Edge Intelligence, Multimedia Networking and System, and AI for Neworking.
(2024.08) I am actively looking for postdocs with strong background and academic performance in areas of Large Language Model and Edge Intelligence, Multimedia Networking and System, and AI for Neworking. The gross salary will be more than 320K per year. Please feel free to contact me if you are interested.
Please feel free to drop me an email with your CV, transcript, awards and publications (if any). Note: please make your email subject as [PhD/MPhil/RA/Postdoc Application]Name-School-Major.
Recent News
(New!)(2025.01)We have one paper SRBF-Gaussian accepted by IEEE VR. Congratulations to Dayou and co-authors!
(New!)(2024.10)Duo Wu won the Presidential Award for Outstanding Graduate Students of CHUK-Shenzhen (10 out of 1000+ among all CUHKSZ PG students) in 2024. Congratulations to Duo!
(New!)(2024.10)Prof. Wang was selected into the Stanford World's Top 2% Scientists List in two consecutive years 2023 and 2024.
(New!)(2024.09)We have two papers accepted by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. Congratulations on Panlong, Yili and other co-authors!
(New!)(2024.07)We have one paper HeadSetOff accepted by ACM Multimedia. Congratulations to Yili and Xize!
(New!)(2024.07)We have one paper LMaaS accepted by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. Congratulations to Panlong!
(New!)(2024.05)We have one paper MuPFL accepted by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. Congratulations to Rongyu, Yun and Chenrui!
(New!)(2024.05)Our work NetLLM, the first work of adapting large language model in networking field, is accepted by the flagship conference ACM SIGCOMM 2024. Congratulations to Duo, Xianda, Yaqi and other coauthors!
(New!)(2024.04)I will serve as the workshop chair of ACM Sensys 2024. Welcome to submit your workshop proposals!
(New!)(2024.04)We have one paper TrimStream accepted by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. Congratulations to Dayou and other coauthors!
(New!)(2024.03)I will serve as the TPC Co-Chair of ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Emerging Multimedia Systems (EMS) 2024, which will be co-located with SIGCOMM 2024 in August in Sydeny, Australia. Welcome to submit papers to this workshop!
My research interests include:
Multimedia Networking and System
3D Volumetric Video Delivery and System
Large Language Model and Edge Intelligence
AI for Networking
Selected Publications
[SIGCOMM] Duo Wu, Xianda Wang, Yaqi Qiao, Zhi Wang, Junchen Jiang, Shuguang Cui, Fangxin Wang#, "NetLLM: Adapting Large Language Models for Networking", in Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM, Sydney, Australia, August 4-8, 2024 (CCF-A) [Paper][Code]
[TVCG]Zhicheng Liang*, Junhua Liu*, Mallesham Dasari, Fangxin Wang#, "Fumos: Neural Compression and Progressive Refinement for Continuous Point Cloud Video Streaming", Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 2849-2859, 2024 (CCF-A, JCR-Q1) (presented at IEEE VR 2024 and selected to publish at IEEE TVCG)
[VR] Junhua Liu, Boxiang Zhu, Fangxin Wang#, Yili Jin, Wenyi Zhang, Zihan Xu, Shuguang Cui, "CaV3: Cache-assisted Viewport Adaptive Volumetric Video Streaming", in Proceedings of IEEE VR, March 25-29, Shanghai, China, 2023 (CCF-A)
[TMC] Rongyu Zhang*, Yun Chen*, Chenrui Wu*, Fangxin Wang#, Bo Li, "Multi-level Personalized Federated Learning on Heterogeneous and Long-Tailed Data", to appear in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024 (CCF-A, JCR-Q1)
[TMC] Dayou Zhang, Hao Zhu, Kai Shen, Dan Wang, Fangxin Wang#, "DSJA: Distributed Server-driven Joint Route Scheduling and Streaming Adaptation for Multi-Party Realtime Video Streaming", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 23, no. 7, pp. 7680-7694, 2024 (CCF-A, JCR-Q1)
Last update: Oct 2024